Elder Law

Kiley Law Firm

Call for a Consult: (516) 466-7900 or (718) 224-5100

Kiley, Kiley & Kiley, PLLC specializes in Elder Law and offers a comprehensive suite of legal services tailored to the unique needs of older individuals and their families. Seasoned attorneys within the firm address a range of issues, including estate planning, long-term care planning, guardianship, Medicaid eligibility, and protection against financial exploitation or abuse.

Kiley, Kiley & Kiley, PLLC works closely with clients to develop personalized plans that encompass healthcare directives, durable powers of attorney, and wills, ensuring the preservation of assets and the safeguarding of the client’s wishes.

Our law firm is adept at navigating complex regulations and laws pertaining to seniors, advocating for their rights and quality of life. Whether assisting with nursing home placement, securing veterans’ benefits, or addressing age-related legal challenges, the firm’s commitment to the well-being and dignity of older individuals underscores its role in providing crucial Elder Law services.

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