Matrimonial & Family Law

Kiley Law Firm

Call for a Consult: (516) 466-7900 or (718) 224-5100

Kiley, Kiley & Kiley, PLLC specializes in providing Matrimonial and Family Law services. The firm offers indispensable support and guidance to individuals navigating the complexities of familial legal matters. Our dedicated family law attorneys assist clients in various aspects of family law, including divorce, child custody, spousal support, adoption, and domestic violence issues.

The firm prioritizes empathy and sensitivity, recognizing the emotional challenges inherent in family disputes. Our attorneys work closely with clients to understand their unique circumstances and goals, providing tailored legal strategies to secure favorable outcomes. Whether through negotiation, mediation, or litigation, the law firm advocates for the best interests of its clients, ensuring fair resolutions in matters of property division, maintenance, and child support.

With a focus on protecting the well-being of families, our firm’s Matrimonial and Family Law services extend beyond legal representation, offering a compassionate and supportive approach to guide clients through difficult life transitions.

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